Dermaplaning Facials

Ever begin to feel the build up effects of dead, congested skin? Or do you look in the mirror and see fluffy peach fuzz hair than you just want gone? Here’s where Dermaplaning can help.

Dermaplaning is a unique aesthetics facial, which uses a sterile scalpel to gently remove the very top layer of your dead skin, known as the Epidermis layer. Along side that, it also removes your very fine, peach fuzz hair leaving your skin baby smooth to touch. Dermaplaning also helps plump your collagen and reduces the appearance of fine lines and pigmentation. Its the perfect base for immaculate makeup application.

We use a combination of high-end skincare products which penetrate deeper into the skin after your Dermaplaning, giving you beautiful, radiant results.

What Dermaplane Services We Offer:

Luxury Radiance Dermaplane

Boosts collagen and hydration, making you ready for any occasion.

Includes double cleanse, dermaplane, hydro-cooling mask, neck, shoulder and scalp massage, finishing with serum and moisturise. Recommended every 5-6 weeks to maintain perfect skin.

Express Dermaplaning

On the go Dermaplane facial for clients with busy lifestyles that still want to make time for their skincare.

Includes Cleanse, Dermaplane and moisturise. Recommended every 5-6 weeks for smooth skin.